
Negligent Driving And Its Prevention Tips For Your Fleet

In 2013 1,37,000 death cases were noted due to road accidents. As per the survey conducted by the National Transportation Planning and Research Center, in every four minutes one road accident takes place in India. Among which almost 97% of these accidents occurred due to rash or negligent driving by heavy earth moving vehicles like cars, trucks, container trucks, commercial buses, etc. Such a large number can be reduced only if genuine efforts and potent measures are taken into consideration by using Driver Monitoring System.
Negligent and rash driving is a real problem and in order to solve it we need to understand the root cause of this problem. Firstly let us understand negligent or rash driving.

Negligent or Rash Driving

Negligence is defined as the inability to apply reasonable caution. Legally speaking, negligence encompasses any misconduct while driving. Such kind of driving may involve laxity, lack of awareness or unsafe driving patterns and thus can be reduced with the help of Driver Monitoring System. Negligent or rash driving is not only detrimental to the driver but also equally dangerous to the vehicles or pedestrians around.
Distractions due to tiredness, drowsiness and carelessness can lead to costly, huge loss and deadly accidents.

Is there a way to prevent this? If yes, then how?

Yes. By ensuring that the driver remains non-distracted and fully alert throughout the drive.

This can be achieved by:

Providing reasonable driving hours to each driver

Lack of sleep and unhealthy lifestyle of the driver is one of the main reasons for his less focused or rash driving pattern. This can be overcomed by providing them shift based working hours. A healthy driver with both mental as well as physical well being would be able to work and give his 100% while driving thereby ensuring a safe and accident free drive.

Avoid potential disturbances

Activities like talking while driving, using mobile phone while driving, eating, smoking, etc should be evaded consciously.

Implementing Driver State Monitoring Camera Systems

These solutions can prove to be exceptionally constructive in aiding the overall safety. By any chance the driver gets a little distracted, safety solutions like Drive Monitoring System and AI Powered Dash Camera System warrant that even a minor distraction should not lead to a major mishap by immediately alerting the driver until security is asserted. The system alerts the driver and the fleet management center.

 They analyze and identify if the driver has become inattentive, either due to drowsiness or distraction. The system’s algorithm allows the device to understand the state of the drivers in real world conditions, including full sunshine and if the driver is wearing glasses or sunglasses and issue early warning when fatigue occurs to protect life and property

It provides In-time driver sleep alert and driver distraction alert. Driver Monitoring Systems like such imparts non-contact detection. Driver Monitoring Systems works around all day irrespective of daylight or night light under any weather and can be installed at all kinds of vehicles and is a crucial safety solution that every vehicle should have to fend off from lethal accident cases.

Just by maintaining healthy driving habits along with implementing engineering gadgets you can have a safe accident free drive.