Traffic Control System

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The TCS solution is designed to prevent accidents between people and cargo vehicles. Forklifts circulating around the workspace automatically activate the warning and signaling elements previously installed at different points in this space. The system provides an automated control in the spaces shared by operators and forklifts.

This is a very easy-to-install, durable system that only requires an RFID activator, a TZ2-Tag, a control box, and its beacons, as well as the gates and traffic lights that the workspace may require. The forklifts incorporate a PAS system with an AC-50 activator that generates a radio frequency field around it. Similarly, TZ2-Tag devices are installed at different points of the workspace to detect previously equipped vehicles. When a forklift enters the safety zone defined by the TZ2-Tag, the vehicle and warehouse lighting warnings are activated, alerting those in the vicinity of the presence of the vehicle.
